Welcome to Hyde Heath


Hyde Heath Village Shop


Archive  Pages Brownies Coming  Events Cub  Scouts  
Local  Information Location Finder Local Weather Maps Music Hall
Newsletters Pre School St Andrews Church Line  Dance Theatre Company The Plough
Toddler Group Village Fetes Village Hall Village History Village Shop Village Society
Womens Institute HH Weather Reports Andre Rieu


Plough Table Bookings

01494 774408

Flower Festival 2022 pics   here

Hall bookings 01494 775047
web https://www.hydeheathvillagehall.co.uk/


 or Tel 01494 774408 to order
Gary's Weatherwatch  

April  2024

... mild & quite wet  !


Quick Links
Location Finder - now inc Lt Missenden
Coming Events
Drama Group
Newsletter - January 30th

1940's Newsletter  
WI Reports

Map & Post Codes
Local weather reports
The Plough
Amersham & Chesham Online - New

Sudoku - here


Neighbourhood Sites:

Amersham Rotary Club
Chiltern District Council
Chiltern Voice
The Lee
Lt Missenden Church

Broadband speed check

Hyde Heath Church..


- more pics here
Rededication Nov '07 - here



What's happening at the WI ? - meeting  reports  here                         HH WI Calendar Girls click here

History of Hyde Heath

New Shop - opening
ceremony - June 14th 2003
Pictures here
The full story
Pictures here
First Shop AGM
Report and pictures here

More Stories of old Hyde Heath  
click here

Map & Pictures of Old Hyde Heath
click here

- with new pics from 1920's 
click here


How well do you know Hyde Heath Church ? Help required

Hyde Heath School in the 1890's

WI 40th anniversary Pictures here
Golden Oldies Outing - pictures - click here
Welcome to Hyde Heath !

In the countryside of the Chiltern Hills in the heart of Buckinghamshire, Hyde Heath has
many fine services and activities to offer - plus a full social life centred on our Village Hall.
We have one of the smallest churches in Bucks plus a Baptist Chapel - neither of them far from our village pub, The Plough.  
Church prior to refurbishment
in 2007
Our friendly village shop sells everything for basic day to day needs, details of which are here
Bus services operate to many surrounding schools indeed the area is known for its high quality of educational facilities. For the commuter, there is an excellent service to London from Amersham on either the Metropolitan Line to Baker St or on Chiltern Railways into Marylebone.

also featured on  UK Villages



The village has an interesting past  - some aspects of which can be seen in a collection of old pictures on our Village History pages

The surrounding countryside is full of beauty and a delight to walkers and residents alike.

Thank you for visiting our site - please  use the links to browse around and see for yourself the many and diverse activities and events we have to offer.

Comments, contributions and feedback are always welcome - please send to Web@HydeHeath.com

Thank you.      
















Sunday January 13th 2013 in The Plough


